東京熱 n0261 女子大生RQ膣内異常精液
“Miss Campus”
Maki Noguchi
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored
– 野口麻紀 –
The idol talent must balance studies with work because most of them attend school after debut. Though there is a case to give priority to studies and to give up the work, most of case is to neglect the school. MAKI NOGUCHI is a saucy, slender beautiful woman who commutes to a certain famous woman’s university. She makes the best use of tall of 172cm and is acting as a model. Studies’ becoming careless and asking for help to the chief director naturally also offer a perfect body often in return. MAKI who is demanded body service in the model business is overworked body by both the school and work and breaks mentally and physically. MAKI of the three years continuation Miss campus is a famous person in the university and the model business that just started goes well also. A certain day MAKI visits the chief director. The purpose is to obtain the insufficient unit due to offer the body.
タレントの女の子達はデビュー後も学校に通っている場合が多いので仕事と学業を両立させなくてはいけません。 学業を優先して仕事を辞めるケースもありますが大部分は学校が疎かになります。野口麻紀は某有名お嬢様系女子大に通うナマイキ系スレンダー。 172cmの長身を生かしモデルとしても活動中。当然学業が疎かになり理事長に助けを求めることもしばしばでその見返りに完璧ボディを提供します。 さらにモデル業でも肉体奉仕を要求される麻紀は学校と仕事の両方で女体を酷使され心身共に壊れていきます。
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