Tokyo Hot n0360 The Fitness Slut – Miki Nishihara


東京熱 n0360 傲岸アスリート系フルボッコ輪カン
“The Fitness Slut”
Miki Nishihara
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored

— 西原美貴 —

It snarls at surrounding man while even working when there is a thing doesn’t like. It has the gluttonousness to flatter with a person with the power directly only as for such a foolish woman. MIKI NISHIHARA of C.A. is a slender beauty with attractive leg. It is a daily to scold the passenger who does not follow a rule. However, it falls into the predicament by slapping the major shareholder. The saucy woman who hates to flatter a man is made to surrender and insulted thoroughly. After having torn up the delicate body, it drove her more and disintegrated mind.

気に食わない事があると仕事中でも関係無く周りの人間に八つ当たり。そんな馬鹿女に限って力のある人間には直に諂う意地汚さも持ち合わせています。 CAの西原美貴はスレンダーな美脚美人。規則を守らない乗客を言葉汚く叱責するのも日常茶飯事です。しかし大株主を平手打ちした事で窮地に。 男に媚びる事が大嫌いな生意気女を屈服させ徹底陵辱。華奢な肉体をボロボロに引き裂いた挙句さらに追い込んで精神を崩壊させました。

Download Tokyo Hot n0360 The Fitness Slut – Miki Nishihara
