東京熱 n0237 高慢女社長復讐吊下輪カン
“Naughty Slut”
Yukie Yamazaki
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored
– 山崎由紀恵 –
The number of woman who go into society has increased overwhelmingly by the development of legal systems of the Equal Employment Opportunity Law and Recognition to the gender-equal society also is generalized. Therefore, woman who is the boss is not unusual. However, it is it in the thing that the improvement of the position of the woman multiplies an egocentric woman on high-handedness with impertinence. The typical case of this is YUKIE YAMAZAKI of president. Employees cannot say anything because they scare the woman president though YUKIE is throwing her head back importantly and make employees sweat. However, the grudge that employees accumulated explodes by a certain opportunity. Then, the body of YUKIE becomes the prey, and it is torn up into pieces.
男女雇用機会均等法の法整備や男女共同参画社会に対する認識の一般化もあり社会進出する女性の数は圧倒的に多くなりました。 上司が女性というのも珍しいことではありません。しかし女性の地位の向上は生意気で高飛車の上自己中心的な女を増殖させることにもなります。 その典型的な事例が女社長の山崎由紀恵。偉そうに踏ん反り返り社員達を扱き使いますが社員達は女社長が怖くて何も言えません。 しかし社員達の蓄積した恨みはあるきっかけで爆発。そのとき由紀恵の肉体は餌食となりボロボロに引き裂かれるのです。
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