東京熱 n0331 女子校生強制連行鬼輪カン
“The Slut Hunting”
Natsumi Kato
No condom
Absolutely Uncensored
— 加藤奈津美 —
Let us introduce the new game called slut hunting that everyone can enjoy in this time though the game that enjoys moving the body like Wii sports etc. is popular. It is possible to play easily if there is the super and a fresh slut body. NATSUMI KATO is a serious student. A slender body and atmosphere that seems to be saucy provoke a man. On certain day, she becomes prey of hunting on the way back to home and is placed under house arrest. It is a start of the cruel game that thoroughly insults out until woman who opposes and tries to escape completely surrenders and becomes silent.
Wⅱスポーツ等身体を動かして楽しむゲームが人気ですが今回は誰にでも楽しめる新しいゲーム・女体ハンティングをご紹介。極上で新鮮な女体があれば簡単にプレイ可能です。 加藤奈津美は真面目な女子高生。スレンダーな肢体と生意気そうな雰囲気が男を挑発します。ある日帰宅途中の路上でハンティングの餌食になり強制的に軟禁されます。 抵抗し逃げ惑う女が完全に屈服し沈黙するまで徹底的に嬲り尽くす極悪非道なゲームの始まりです。
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